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[Notice] Suspension of support services during the New Year holidays 2024~2025
[Android] Display of Google "Contacts" birthdays
End of distribution of the "Ca.Crea" series theme
The distribution of sports related Event Calendars (provided by SpotsOn) has been stopped.
[Notice] Regarding the end of support for Android 4.4
For users with events off by an hour after Daylight savings
Regarding Support inquiries
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Jorte Help TOP
Jorte Help
Data backup
For Google Calendar, etc.
Automatic sync to Jorte Cloud
Backup to SD or internal storage
Local Calendar
Google Calendar
Login Jorte Cloud via the Facebook account
I haven't received the temporary registration email
About failures and troubles
Backup to Jorte Cloud
How to transfer data when changing phone models?
Basic usage
View calendar entry
Some text characters look scrambled
Entries look shifted one day forward
Data have disappeared
Calendar entry registration
How to register event repeating every 3 days?
How to add photos?
How to register an event for a day using a 36-hours mode feature?
How to register a daily event?
How to use a History feature?
Features that help registering new calendar events
How to register a weekly recurring event?
How to separate business from a private calendar?
How to create a mark icon?
Points to note when registering calendar entries
How to set a frequent event?
How to edit one entry of a recurring event?
How to register event repeating every 2nd Sunday of every month?
How to create a template text for the event title?
How to copy and register an event on another day?
How to register event repeating every other 2 weeks?
Premium service
How to use the menstrual schedule feature?
How can I cancel the premium service?
How can I return to a [No passcode lock] configuration?
I've forgotten my passcode!
How can I lock a specific calendar?
How can I unlock the startup of the calendar?
How can I lock the calendar on startup?
What is the Passcode Lock Feature?
How to use the Premium Service with multiple devices (Smartphones/tablets)?
Synchronization/login error
I can't sync Jorte with Google Calendar
Jorte Cloud Sync Error
Is there a problem with the network connection status?
How to confirm the destination of the registered calendar?
Calendar entries are not displayed on computer
Notifications do not arrive on time
Although I don’t want to be notified, I still receive reminder alert notifications.
Reminder Alert Notification is showing at wrong time, how come?
What is a widget?
Some sizes are not displayed in the widget list
Jorte does not start even the widget is tapped, the date on the widget does not update
How to resize the widget?
How do I set a widget?
I had a Jorte widget but now it disappeared. I have a trouble putting it back.
Jorte link with another calendar
Yahoo! Calendar
Using Jorte on multiple devices
How to share calendar entries with family and friends?
How to display the same calendar entries on multiple devices?
How to share individual events?
Shared calendar entries are not displayed to the shared party
How to change shared calendar permissions?
In-app purchase service
How to use in-app purchase service?
Display Settings
How come text is scrambled, not readable?
How come I don't see my calendar events?
How do I show the Calendar Week in Jorte?
How do I Edit or set as Complete an individual Event from a series of repeating events?
How can I create an event that occurs Bi-weekly?
How can I create a repeating Event (weekly or Daily, or Yearly, etc.)
How do I use the Countdown feature?
Events are showing at a different time.
How do I Change the First Day of the Week to Monday (or Tuesday, etc.)?
How do I change the Font Size for Event Title?
How do I set time to 24-hour format or show AM/PM?
How do I set a background image (wallpaper) in Jorte?
How do I make Jorte full screen?
How do I change the colors in Jorte?
Effective use of diary tags
Tags & templates feature
Why don't my diary photos appear anymore?
How come I don’t see Diary entries on my Calendar?
How to hide completed tasks?
How to separate work and private tasks?
How to change the task order?
How to use Google Tasks in Jorte?
National Holidays / Holidays Calendar
How to delete the holiday calendar?
How to display overseas holidays?
How to register (add) holidays entry?
Overlapped national holidays
National holidays for the next year are not displayed
Why holidays are not showing?
Adding Holiday Calendars
How do I add my country’s National Holidays to Jorte?
How do I delete/remove National Holidays (and add a new region’s holidays)?
Strengthen Security
How to delete the passcord?
How to use an incognito calendar feature?
How to lock a particular calendar in Jorte?
How to set a password lock when starting Jorte?
How to search event calendar?
How to search for Diary?
How to search event by text?
How to search event by specifying a date?
How can I Jump to a certain date?
Shared Calendar
How can I create a Shared Calendar using the Jorte app?
How do I create a Shared Calendar on Jorte Cloud website(PC)?
Google Calendar
How can I sync Google Calendar with Jorte?
I cannot see events from Google Calendar!
I don’t see old events from Google Calendar, how can I see them?
Changing device
How do I copy my Calendar to a new phone?
Reference information
Effects of OS updates
Recommended environment for the Jorte app
QR code for event registration
Jorte does not start up / forced termination occurs
HUAWEI settings
I can't install the app
Battery optimization in system settings
How to set up Gmail?
Free/paid content and advertisements
How do I remove free Daily Calendar?
How do I cancel a paid subscription?
How do I re-download the icons?
How do I set an Icon on an event?
I’d like more icons to be available, can you add some more?
How do I download an icon I purchased on iPhone/iPad to Jorte on my Android?
Jorte Cloud
How do I sync with Jorte Cloud via Facebook Login?
How do I delete my Jorte Cloud account?
I registered for Jorte cloud but I didn’t receive the E-mail.
I’ve forgotten my password for Jorte Cloud.
I forgot my Jorte ID, how do I find out what my Jorte Cloud ID is?
I want to sync multiple devices with Jorte Cloud.
How do I sync with Jorte Cloud?
How do I sync with Jorte Cloud via Facebook Login?
How can I sync with Foursquare?
Contact us by email
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Most Searched
How do I set time to 24-hour format or show AM/PM?
Backup to SD or internal storage
Jorte Cloud Sync Error
How do I sync with Jorte Cloud via Facebook Login?
How to display the same calendar entries on multiple devices?
> See More
FAQ Ranking
How do I set time to 24-hour format or show AM/PM?
How can I sync Google Calendar with Jorte?
How do I change the colors in Jorte?
For Google Calendar, etc.
How do I show the Calendar Week in Jorte?
> See More
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