Shared calendar entries are not displayed to the shared party

If the calendar entry registered in the shared calendar is not displayed to the shared party, please check how much it is reflected by the following.

My Jorte → My WEB → Sharer's WEB → Sharer's Jorte

1 After adding an event to the shared calendar using your own Jorte, check if the event is displayed on the website version of Jorte< /p>

  1. Tap [New] from the calendar screen toolbar in your Jorte app
  2. Select [Event]
  3. The new Event input screen opens
  4. Tap the calendar name above the title
  5. Tap the name of the shared calendar on the selection screen
  6. Type "Test" in Title
  7. Select [Create]
  8. Confirm that the schedule is displayed on the calendar screen
  9. Select [Calendar] from the calendar screen toolbar
  10. Select [Settings]
  11. Deselect [Use Jorte Cloud]
  12. Select [Use Jorte Cloud] and enter your password
  13. Select [Login]
  14. After the sync is complete, log in to in your browser
  15. Check if the registered test entry is displayed

2 If the registered event is displayed on your own website, check if the entry is displayed on the shared partner's website >

  1. Open in your browser
  2. Log in with the Jorte ID (username) of the person you shared with
  3. Check if the registered test is displayed

3 If the calendar entry is displayed on the shared partner's web, check if the schedule is displayed on the shared partner's Jorte

  1. Select [Calendar] from the calendar screen toolbar using the Jorte app.
  2. Select [Settings]
  3. Deselect [Use Jorte Cloud]
  4. Select [Use Jorte Cloud] and enter your password
  5. Select [Login]
  6. After synchronization is complete, return to the calendar screen
  7. Check if the registered test registered is displayed
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