Jorte Buffet

Jorte Buffet content is unlimited.
Content with the "Premium" mark can be used in the store, so please try downloading the design content you want to use, such as icon sets, themes, and wallpapers.

  1. Launch Jorte and tap [Store] on the calendar screen toolbar
  2. You will see [Recommended] / [Ranking] / [Premium]. Tap [Premium]
  3. Tap the content you want to use
  4. Select [Download]
  5. Return to the calendar screen and check the contents

■ Notes

  • All Premium design content can be used with "Jorte Premium" and "Jorte Buffet".
    Please refer to "What is Jorte Premium?" for details on Premium services.
  • After the validity period of "Jorte Premium" or "Jorte Buffet" expires, you will not be able to use the contents covered by unlimited use.
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