How do I use the Countdown feature?
⇒[How do I use the Countdown feature?]
Countdown feature can be used to view how many days are left until an event.
This feature is only available to set on a Jorte Calendar.
1. Tap [Event] and enter the details (Time, Title, Description, etc.)
2. Check the [Countdown] checkbox.
3. Tap [Create].
4. The Event will show how many days are left Until the Event occurs.
If you do not see the Countdown feature then you're using Google Calendar in Jorte (or you haven't updated to the latest Jorte version).
To set Jorte Calendar to be used in Jorte:1. Open Jorte and tap the Calendar icon in lower left corner.
2. Make sure there is a check to the Left of Jorte (MyCalendar), Press Back.
3. Create an Event and tap at the Top then switch the calendar type to 'MyCalendar' Jorte for this event.
4. Fill in the Event details, and Check the Countdown checkbox to enable the countdown feature.
5. Press Create, and when asked if you wish to change the Default calendar you can say No here to keep Google Calendar as your Default.