How to cancel Premium service?

Premium service cancellation methods depend on the payment method selected at the time of purchase.
Deleting (uninstalling) the app does not cancel your premium subscription. please note.

The subscription can be canceled using a [Store] feature via the Jorte app.
*If you purchase a monthly subscription, you can use premium service functions until the last day of the month.

・Cancellation from Jorte Store in the app
  1. Launch Jorte and tap [Store] on the calendar screen toolbar
  2. Tap [Purchase history] at the top right of the screen
  3. Select [Cancel] in the "Jorte Premium (Monthly)" column

■ When purchasing Jorte app with Google Play Payment

You can cancel from the Google Play app.
* You can still use the premium service functions until the expiration date displayed even after cancellation.

  1. Launch the Google Play app
  2. Tap the profile icon in the top right
  3. Select [Payments & Subscriptions]
  4. Select [Subscriptions]
  5. Tap [Cancel Subscription] in Jorte Premium
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to cancel
(Reference) Canceling, suspending, and changing subscriptions on Google Play answer/7018481?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en&oco=0
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