Regarding Support inquiries

To contact Jorte Support Team, please email us.
For inquiries by e-mail, you can select [Contact us by E-mail] at the top-right of the Help site screen.
* Phone support is not something we offer at this time.

Contacting Jorte by email

For smartphones and tablets that do not have Jorte installed, open the Help site and click "Contact Form", please.
If you do not receive the reply e-mail from, it can be due to the e-mail filter settings.
Please change the settings so that you can receive emails from
* Email filter settings
Due to some strict restrictions in the junk mail filter settings, even non-malicious emails may be judged as spoofing and may be rejected.
If you do not see any confirmation E-mail from Jorte in your Spam folder, please add to the whitelist or contact your E-mail provider asking for the help to move to the whitelist.

【Notes on review comments and Facebook comments】

Google Play Store reviews and Facebook comments are published on the Internet so that anyone can see the content of the question.
Therefore, please be careful not to enter personal information (Jorte ID (username), email address, etc).