How to use Premium subscription on multiple devices?

If you are using Jorte on multiple devices, if you purchase Jorte Premium on one of them, you can use the premium features on Jorte on other devices as well.
Also, if you have not canceled Jorte Premium when you change models, you can continue to use the Premium features on the new Jorte model.

After purchasing Jorte Premium, by synchronizing it with Jorte Cloud, the Jorte Premium purchase information will be linked to your Jorte ID.
Therefore, please synchronize the Jorte Cloud account with the Jorte app that was used to purchase the Jorte Premium subscription.
After that, set the same Jorte ID to the Jorte of other devices (or the Jorte of the new model in case of model change) and perform synchronization.
*In addition to Jorte Premium, if you purchase Jorte Plus or Jorte Buffet, you can use the functions with Jorte on other devices.

Please note that if you purchased Jorte Premium on GooglePlay, your GooglePlay contract will continue even if you change the model from Android to iPhone.

■ Synchronization method
If you do not have a Jorte ID, please obtain one in advance. /account/create/showDefault

  1. Launch Jorte and tap [Calendar] on the calendar screen toolbar
  2. Select [Settings] on the calendar settings screen
  3. Select [Use Jorte cloud]
  4. Enter your Jorte ID and password and tap [Login]
  5. After synchronization is complete, synchronize with Jorte on other phones
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